For Public Review: Crowdsourced Feedback on Your Resume or CV and Other Misc Business

Hi Friends!

Are you interested in getting a lot of eyes on your resume or CV?  

The class I just finished teaching for CORE inspired me to bring back an old series here on Hiring Librarians, called For Public Review.

Here’s how it works:

We will post resumes or CVs from any library or LIS job hunter who submits one. Other job hunters, as well as a few ringers (hiring managers) and other members of the public will be able to provide feedback in the comments section. Folks who submit CVs or resumes for review must also agree to comment on at least five other posted resumes/CVs (it’s a pyramid scheme mutual aid!)

We will do our best to moderate comments, but please do be aware that this will truly be public review – anyone and everyone on the internet will be able comment.

To have your resume or CV posted:

  • First, take a look at the comments on previously posted resumes/CVs and see if any would apply to yours.  Edit if necessary
  • Your CV or resume will be posted as-is, so please remove any information that you are not comfortable having publicly available (I suggest removing your email address and phone number at a minimum)
  • Then, send it as a PDF, Word Document, PNG, or JPEG to
  • Please include a short statement identifying if it’s a resume or CV and describing the types of positions you’re using it for (institution type, position level, general focus)
  • Finally, you will also need to confirm that you agree to comment on at least five other posted resumes/CVs

The Interview Questions Repository

In other crowdsourced news, here is your irregular reminder about The Interview Questions Repository.

Have you been on a library interview recently?  Or are you prepping for one? The Interview Questions Repository is a Google sheet with questions that have been asked on more than 500 library or LIS interviews over the last decade.

If you’ve had a library interview recently, help this resource grow by reporting the questions you were asked.

If you’d like to help this resource grow, please share widely with your friends and colleagues.

Support this project, as well as Chat, Connect, or Follow on Way Too Many Social Media Sites

Thanks so much for reading and supporting this site. If you’d like to support this work, I’m on:

Patreon: hiringlibrarians (read more about this site’s finances and other ways to donate or participate here)

If you’d like to ask questions, make suggestions, give feedback, or just shoot the breeze you can always email me at hiringlibrarians AT gmail or comment on one of the posts (remember when commenting used to be a thing and there were good discussions in the comments? That did happen)

If you’d like the content to come to you, you can subscribe via email or within the platform. Those are both available in the right sidebar, as are links to almost all of the social medias listed below.

Hiring Librarians is also on the following:

Oh and one more thing for you leaders…

Angela Pashia asked me to pass on that she is offering a FREE workshop on using a coaching approach to leadership on June 25. More details are in the article here

Thank you!

Your Pal,


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Filed under CV review, For Public Review, Resume Review

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