“We’re more needed than ever”

Please note: This is an anonymous response to an online survey; I do not have any way of contacting the respondent or verifying responses. Their answers may reflect good, bad, or middling hiring practices. I invite you to take what’s useful and leave the rest. If you are someone who hires Library, Archives or other LIS workers, please consider giving your own opinion by filling out the survey here

Current Hiring Practices and Organizational Needs

These questions are about your current hiring practices in general – the way things have been run the last year or two (or three).

Where do you advertise your job listings?

website, ALA, listservs

Do you notice a difference in application quality based on where the applicant saw the job ad?


Do you include salary in the job ad?

√ Yes 

Do you use keyword matching or any automation tools to reduce the number of applications a human reads while considering candidates?  

√ No 

Do you consider candidates who don’t meet all the requirements listed in the job ad?

√ Yes 

Does your workplace require experience for entry-level librarian positions? (Officially or unofficially…)

√ No 

What is the current most common reason for disqualifying an applicant without an interview?

doesn’t meet basic requirements

Does your organization use one-way interviews? (Sometimes also called asynchronous or recorded interviews)

√ No 

Do you provide interview questions before the interview? 

√ No   

Does your interview process include taking the candidate out for a meal?

√ No, and I don’t think we ever have 

How much of your interview process is virtual?

√ First round/Initial Screen 

Do you (or does your organization) give candidates feedback about applications or interview performance?

√ No 

What is the most important thing for a job hunter to do in order to improve their hirability?

good cover letter; articulate answers to questions

I want to hire someone who is: 


Your Last Recruitment

These are questions about the last person you hired (or the last position you attempted to fill). This person may not have been a librarian, and that’s ok.

Think about the most recent time you participated in hiring someone (or an attempt to hire someone) at your organization. What was the title of the position you were trying to fill?

Library Associate

When was this position hired?

√ More than a year ago, but less than two years ago 

Approximately how many people applied for this position?

√ 25 or fewer 

Approximately what percentage of those would you say were hirable?

√ 25% or less

And how would you define “hirable”?

meet minimum qualifications

How did the recruitment for this position compare with recruitments in previous years?


Your Workplace

This section asks for information about your workplace, including if you have lost positions in the last decade.

How many staff members are at your library/organization?

√ 200+ 

Are you unionized?

√ Yes, at least some workers are union members 

How many permanent, full time job openings has your workplace posted in the last year?

√ 7 or more 

How many permanent, full time librarian (or other “professional” level) jobs has your workplace posted in the last year?

√ 7 or more 

Can you tell us how the number of permanent, full-time positions at your workplace has changed over the past decade?

√ There are fewer positions 

Have any full-time librarian positions been replaced with part-time or hourly workers over the past decade?  

√ I don’t know 

Have any full-time librarian positions been replaced with non-librarian, lower paid staff positions over the past decade?  

√ I don’t know 

Is librarianship a dying profession?

√ No 

Why or why not?

We’re more needed than ever; serve as a central hub for the community


This section asks for information about you specifically.

What part of the world are you in?

Mid-Atlantic US 

What’s your region like?

√ Urban 

What type of institution do you hire for (check all that apply):

√ Public Library 

What type(s) of LIS professionals do you hire? 

catalogers; adult librarians; children/YA librarians; librarians; managers; assistant managers; collections/library support librarians; archivists

Are you a librarian?

√ Yes 

Are you now or have you ever been: 

√ A hiring manager (you are hiring people that you will directly or indirectly supervise)

√ A member of a hiring or search committee 

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